We are a creative studio based in San Francisco, founded by two brothers with a passion for creativity and storytelling. With our combined expertise in design and video, we help turn your ideas into a reality.

Words We Live By


Respect. Above All.


Listen Well.


Design Solutions, Not Barriers.


Be Humble.


Love What You Do.


Have Fun. Live in the Moment.

Datu Creative Team

Adrian Datu Bonifacio

Adrian first encountered Photoshop in 2002, and instantly fell in love with design. He graduated with a communications degree from UC Berkeley. After college, he took on all kinds of creative projects to hone his design skills. He is a self-taught designer and has worked with brands like Udemy, Gilead, HTC, and Google. Adrian has a background in marketing and understands the intersection between business and creativity. Today, he serves as the lead designer and founder of Datu Creative.

Andrew Datu Bonifacio

Andrew grew up creating short films and music at a young age. Graduating with a cinema degree from SFSU, creativity has always been his forte. He’s worked with many nonprofits bringing stories to life on the screen for thousands to watch. As a visual storyteller, Andrew creates relatable and engaging content for a wide audience. He understands the current marketing trends in the video space and is now a creative director and co-founder for Datu Creative.

Katie Furukawa

Katie has always found herself with interests that engage her knack for planning and her creativity – it’s one of the reasons why quilting is one of her favorite hobbies. Katie holds a degree in Architecture from UC Berkeley and a certificate in Project Management from SFSU. With her experience in retail and event management – and as a creative small business owner herself – Katie understands what it takes to get things done behind the scenes.

Tink (aka Tinky)

Meet Tink, our office dog with a background in hospitality as a front-of-house greeter. She is great at interacting with a diverse array of people and furry animals. With her extensive experience, she plays a key role in keeping morale and productivity high in the studio. She takes it upon herself to consistently check our kitchen is stocked with food and drinks. Tink loves taking long walks in the neighborhood and munching on a variety of snacks.

Have an idea? Let's make it real.